Newsletter, CoP, Sept. 25, 2022

THIS SUNDAY: The Community of Pilgrims Presbyterian Fellowship, Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022, Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost. On Zoom or at Rise Church,10445 SW Canterbury Ln, Tigard, OR 97224. Contact me if you need a Zoom link. If you have any questions, or are interested in a conversation, contact Pastor Brett Webb-Mitchell (919) 444-9111; and visit



Dear Community of Pilgrims,


I’m writing this newsletter on the first day of autumn. Today we celebrate the autumnal equinox. Thankfully, for those of us who enjoy the lingering summer heat and cool evenings, life is still good. And for those who are waiting for pumpkin-spice-everything, life is good, too, because it is being sold and distributed everywhere…even with communion wafers!


The focus Scripture is Luke 17:19-31. It is the parable of a rich person who keeps stepping over a person with sores all over his body, by the name of Lazarus. The rich person basically ignores Lazarus, walking by him without giving him any food or attention. Upon their deaths, in Hades, Lazarus ends up by Abraham’s side, being cared for by Father Abraham. As for the rich person, he is thirsty and is intimidated and in agony because of the flames all around him. The rich person asks that Lazarus please dip a finger in water and quench his thirst, but that wasn’t going to happen. Then the rich person asks that someone tell his brothers of what their fate may be if they don’t take care of those who are ill. And Abraham simply says that they have the prophets who told them what they should be doing, and they should be listening to the prophets. Torah is full of passages about love of neighbor and stranger alike, and caring for widows and orphans. And the prophets warn the people what will happen if they do not do as they are told. Jesus clearly aims this “warning” parable to those who have much in their life and are not worried about where they are going to get fed, a roof over one’s head, healthcare, clothes, and the comforts of life. Jesus tells it on behalf of all those who are like Lazarus, who long for water, food, shelter, and clothes. And we need to hear this story to be reminded of those we should hear, see, and tend to in our life as members of the body of Christ. Join us this Sunday as we explore this parable, and what it has to say about our life today in terms of those who are like Lazarus around us.



Thank you, one and all, for joining us for our 5-year anniversary last week! What fun it was to meet in person and on Zoom. We will continue to tinker with our Zoom connection, using the television monitor at Rise Church. If you join us at Rise Church, please consider bringing one item to add to our charcuterie board! And thank you to those who contributed a financial gift as well! We are now on to year 6! Thanks be to all of you pilgrims! And thanks be to God!






Sept. 25, 4 pm Gather and Devotion on Zoom or Rise Church. If you come to Rise Church, bring one item for our charcuterie board!


Oct. 2, Gather with the members of Portsmouth Trinity Lutheran Church at 10 am for a joint service. 


Oct. 9, 4 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom only.


Oct. 16, 4 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom only.


Oct. 23, 4 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom or at Rise Church.


Oct. 30, 4 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom or at Rise Church.





Prayers of Celebration and Concern 

We pray to the Creator of all creation: 

Prayers of thanksgiving for:


The Community of Pilgrims has been together for five years.

Rise (Presbyterian) Church has welcomed us.

Rose City Park Presbyterian welcomed us when our church first started meeting.

Chris's granddaughter Haley got engaged.

The cost of the insurance premium for Saint Andrew's has been donated.

Lewis joined us for this evening's gathering.

Michael is enjoying his new job.

Katie is safely back at the University of Oregon.

Brett is thankful for the opportunity to try out for the national dragon boat team


Prayers of concern for:

Roxanne's friend Marlene who injured her leg seriously and for her friend Patty whose brother has end-stage COPD and has been admitted to rehab.

Linda's house to sell quickly. For Linda's health and well-being.

Marily Quesnel who has been discharged from the hospital. Prayers for her and her husband Pat.

Karen has applied for another position within her agency and prayers that will go well.

The demand for mental health services continues to increase.

We can develop ways to mitigate and manage climate change.

Voting rights and our democracy are under attack.

We need solutions to our country's homelessness.

Gun violence continues to increase in Portland.

The fight for abortion rights continues as proposals seek to further reduce women's reproductive rights.

The long list of places in the world experiencing tension and violence.


God in your love, attend our prayers. Amen



Autumn Morning (It’s Autumn Again) by Agatha Eliza

A blurry morning breaks in my heart
like a shy sun over a battlefield
after a long absence of light
and a carpet of leaves
lies at my feet…

‘It’s Autumn again’; he said to me
‘celebration of rust and copper
nature’s majestic symphony
when colors invade
the cosmos’…

The lonesome path towards the woods
inhabited by acorns and leaves,
trees and stones-all set
in harmony…you see
Autumn again.


Buen Camino! Pastor Brett Webb-Mitchell and Karen Cornwell Fortlander