Hi again! As expressed in our About and What We Do pages, we meet monthly via Zoom. Our monthly gatherings include discussion respecting contributions, in person and in kind, for charitable purposes. To join us, please see our contact information.
For significant prior activities, please see the following paragraphs.
The Community of Pilgrims Presbyterian Fellowship has been active in service projects throughout the Portland-Vancouver metro area. As a Community of Pilgrims, we have engaged in projects that include some of the following:
Over Lent, 2020, each person chose one piece of clothing to be given to others, in which, by the end of Lent, there were many bags with over 40 items in them. In 2020, we gave more than 25 bags of clothes and linens to SnowCap, a local non-profit that then gives these items to those in need in the greater Portland-Vancouver metro area;
In the summer of 2020 we joined Moreland Presbyterian Church (USA) in providing funds to four organizations in the Portland metro area who serve the needs of those in the area hardest hit by the COVID 19 pandemic. Each congregation was given a stimulus check of $1,000 from the Presbytery of the Cascades, and we combined our checks, and with contributions from each congregation, we now have over $7,000. We support Meals on Wheels, Human Solution, Street Roots, and Causa;
We have written letters in support of clean air in Oregon to the Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality;
We have sent letters and cards to our US Senators and Congresspeople in support of the Rohingya people;
We prepared bags for Valentine's Day for young elementary school children at Markham Elementary School in Portland, Oregon; prepared bags for people living in memory care units in nearby homes for people who are elderly;
We prepare meals time and again for people who are homeless and hungry; and cleaned the kitchen at Outside In, a facility for young people ages 17-24, many of whom are LGBTQI+;
We have collected gifts over Christmas for people who are at Outside In, along with gifts for a family who lives at the subsidized housing complex, Stephen's Creek Crossing in Portland, Oregon;
Individually, we are serving people at Outside In;
We provide hot meals once a year to the women at the Gresham Women’s Emergency Shelter, part of Human Solutions;
We repacked bags of rice from large 40 pound bags into small ziplock bags, included cooking recipes, to be distributed by one of the non-profits we work with in feeding the needs of the poor in Portland;
We are part of the Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance (PIRC), as we protest for a more just world on the streets of Portland in this age of injustice, supporting Black Lives Matter;
And there are many other ways that we do justice, practice love and kindness among all, as we walk humbly with God.