Newsletter, CoP, May 15, 2022

THIS SUNDAY: The Community of Pilgrims Presbyterian Fellowship, Sunday, May 15, 2022, Fifth Sunday of Easter. Join us on Zoom at 4:30 pm. Note the time change. Just this Sunday. Contact me if you need a link. If you have any questions, or are interested in a conversation, contact Pastor Brett Webb-Mitchell (919) 444-9111; and visit



Greetings, Community of Pilgrims!


As we come into the middle of May, I am keenly aware that the 50 days of Eastertide is ending, with Pentecost celebrations on June 5th. Meanwhile, the awakening of the plants and trees around us remind us that this is a season of new life, new hope, new faith, and new birth…and rebirth. The sap is rising in the trees, for some people allergies are alive and well, and the days are growing longer, and some days, warmer.


The Scripture focus this Sunday is both from Revelation 21:1-6, and John 13:34-35. In this time of social strife, I gravitated quickly to the two passages from Revelation that speak of hope: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth” (v. 1), and “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end” (v. 6). Why does that bring my hope? Because all of life is in the hands of the Creator, who is actively doing a new thing, inviting us to participate in this ongoing saga of creation, as we strive for justice among us, and peace around the world. The other part of this new creation is the presence of love in a world swirling with hate and fear. The embodiment of this love came in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. 18th century hymn writer Charles Wesley’s composed, “Love Divine, All Love Excelling,” capturing the beauty and presence of this Godly love: “Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heaven, to earth came down, fix in us thy humble dwelling; all they faithful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love thou art; visit us with thy salvation; enter every trembling heart.” Then Wesley ties it back to the passage from Revelation: “Finish then thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be; let us see thy great salvation perfectly restored in thee: changed from glory into glory till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love, and praise…” and grace. The good news? God is not done with us yet, and invites to the dance of a creating a new heaven and a new earth, right where we are. Up for the joyful task? Join us this Sunday as we consider the ways we are participating in this act of being part of a new creation. 







May 15, Fourth Sunday in Easter, 4:30 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom (Note the time change!)


May 22, Fifth Sunday in Easter, 4 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom. 


May 29, Sixth Sunday in Easter, 4 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.


June 5, Seventh Sunday in Easter, 4 pm, Gather and Devotion on Zoom and in person.




Prayers of Celebration and Concern


We pray to the Creator of all creation: 



Thankful that Linda (Fuqua-Anderson) is feeling better.

COVID 19 variants so far are not causing great, new chaos.

Thankful for children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, in our lives. 

Mothers’ Day!

Mother-child relationships (blessings and challenges).

Sue Malter, who is thinking of us.



Linda and Yarrow Halstead, who are both fighting cancer.

United States, in light of draft Supreme Court of the US leaked majority opinion on abortion.

George Doolittle: ill and back in hospital.

Randy L’Esperance has the first of treatments for cancer.

Drought in parts of WA, OR, and CA.

Global climate change.

United Methodist Church and Global Methodist Church split/schism.

Past and present schisms in churches.

War in Ukraine, and for all Ukrainians and Russians, 

World peace in all nations, including Syria, Yemen, Sri Lanka, the Sudan and Ethiopia.

Churches, comfort and joy.

Pursue higher good in all ways, for the common good, in life.

All those who are LGBTQIA2S+, especially transgender young people, who are being targeted with anti-transgender legislation in several Republican legislatures. 

Voting rights in the US.

Those who are houseless and homeless around the world, part of the great refugee migration.

The rise of COVID rates in Multnomah County.


God in your love, attend our prayers. Amen





To a Marsh Hawk in Spring

To a Marsh Hawk in Spring, by David Henry Thoreau

There is health in thy gray wing, 

Health of nature’s furnishing,

Say, thou modern-winged antique,

Was thy mistress ever sick?

In each heaving of thy wing

Thou dost health and leisure bring,

Thou dost waive disease and pain

And resume new life again.




Buen Camino! Pastor Brett Webb-Mitchell and Karen Cornwell Fortlander