THIS SUNDAY: The Community of Pilgrims Presbyterian Fellowship, April 4, 2021, Easter Sunday, Gather and Devotion on Zoom. If you have any questions, or are interested in a conversation, contact Pastor Brett Webb-Mitchell (919) 444-9111; and visit
Dear People of the Way,
In Acts 9:2, Saul was asked about people “who belonged to the Way, men or women.” Saul was not a friend to the people who belonged to the Way at that point. Instead, he was one who persecuted people of the Way. And then Saul met the risen Christ and, as they say, the rest is history.
What is the Way? In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Via, veritas, vita.
The earliest Christians were called people of the Way. Jesus is the living, breathing, Way. And throughout the four Gospels, Jesus is showing, telling, demonstrating, living out, telling parables about, laughing, weeping, healing, praying, sleeping, calming the waters, pointing to the Way to God. Jesus is the living sign post of the way to God.
Part of that way is also being lived out this week by Jesus. This is probably the hardest, holiest, self-sacrificing “way” of life, shown to us by Jesus of Nazareth. There is nothing easy about this week, emotionally, relationally, psychologically, sociologically, or intellectually, let alone physically.
But year after year, we honor and remember this week. We bring up bits and pieces of it throughout the year. Especially around someone who is dying, we bring Easter's message of life after death, of resurrection hope, as we sit by the side of one whose earthly pilgrimage is drawing to an end, with the promise of a new pilgrimage with the risen Christ.
After beginning this week with Palm Sunday, tonight we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and friends. Pilgrimages always include a night of good cheer and friendship. The people of the Way had their feet washed, broke bread together, followed by all sharing a cup of wine.
By the end of the evening, Jesus would be betrayed by one of his own, one of his disciples. Judas, who just broke bread and drank with Jesus a few hours earlier, betrayed his friend.
Tomorrow is Good Friday. That was the pilgrimage path that Jesus had to follow. That was the Way, as well. No one will ever be able to forget the cross.
Holy Saturday is a day in which many of the Christian faith believe that Jesus descended into hell.
And Sunday, a promise kept. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. “Christ our Lord is risen today” will be upon our lips, and our hearts, minds, and bodies will be full of love. The Way continues, and grows.
And on that day, we, the people of the Way will shout: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen.
** Remember: our Lenten service project is providing parts of a breakfast program for Human Solution’s Gresham Emergency Women’s Shelter. Items are to be dropped off at Kathy’s house on April 3, and she will deliver the items on April 4.
· Cold cereals & granola
· Instant oatmeal
· Jams and peanut butter
· Granola bars
· Dried fruits and nuts
· Ground coffee & creamer
April 1, Maundy Thursday, 7 pm on Zoom. Bring a cup of juice or wine, and bread.
April 2, Good Friday.
April 4, EASTER! 8:30 am! Gather and Devotion on Zoom. Bring a flower to our gathering on Zoom.
April 11, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.
April 18, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.
April 25, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.
Prayers of Celebration and Concern
· The border crisis.
· The refugee crisis.
· Gun control and an end to the on-going tragedies.
· Our democracy which is under attack by Georgia's new voting restrictions.
· The COVID crisis, especially devastating in Brazil, and prayers for empathy and international cooperation.
· Abortion rights.
· Thanksgiving that Virginia has banned the death penalty.
· Winston's two pastors--Ken Henry who is donating his bone marrow to his brother; and the Associate Pastor in his church as her family lost a home and others struggle with COVID.
· Those who provide a safety net including mental health workers and pastors.
· Alabama and other parts of the South being hit by deadly tornadoes.
· Winston's cousin Michael and his two congregations in California which are experiencing an unusual amount of death.
· The Church as we go through Easter week.
A Prayer for Maundy Thursday, from the Corrymeela Community
God who washes our feet
God who commands us to love:
Before the prayers in the garden,
And the stations of the cross;
Before the tomb and the spices
And the stone they put in place,
There was this moment
When you showed us what it meant
To be divine.
May we not forget that the power to defeat death
Was not what you wanted us to imitate.
It was to lay aside all other things
And to love.
Buen Camino!
Pastors Brett & Karen Cornwell Fortlander.