Newsletter, Community of Pilgrims, Feb. 21, 2021

THIS SUNDAY: The Community of Pilgrims Presbyterian Fellowship, February 21, 2021, First Sunday of Lent, Gather and Devotion on Zoom. If you have any questions, or are interested in a conversation, contact Pastor Brett Webb-Mitchell (919) 444-9111; and visit


Dear Pilgrims of Lent,


As I write this newsletter introduction, many who receive this email have or are dealing with icy, snowy, “wintry mix.” Some people and families are still struggling living a “normal” life without electricity. I am reminded, when reading this week’s Scripture passage (next paragraph), in which Jesus is sent into the “wilderness,” “wilderness” is not necessarily desert, but can also be the frozen tundra around our suburban, rural, or urban homes. We especially remember our friends and family members in Texas these days.


So, let’s jump into this passage from Mark 1:9-15. We have already covered parts of this reading earlier in December during Advent, and later in January during Epiphany, especially the passage around Jesus’ baptism. But the passage about Jesus immediately being sent into the wilderness is the new part of our reading, and is usually the first reading of Lent, whether it is coming from Gospel writers Mark, Matthew or Luke.  In Mark, it is quite stark: first, Jesus is going to engage the adversary for over forty days. Eventually, Jesus “wins” the intense competition and struggle between him and the adversary. Second, Jesus is not alone in this wild work. He is alongside “wild beasts” like Maurice Sendak’s creatures from Where the Wild Things Are “land,” and comforted by angels. Jesus enjoys the protection by both wild beasts and angels. Finally there is the end of the forty days, in which Jesus announces that the “kingdom” or realm of God, of love, is dawning. A new era and a new state of affairs is now present in the person of Jesus. Jesus isn’t taking people off to a faraway land. Jesus tells those who listen to him that God is bringing new realities into place. Jesus actually demonstrates what the realm of God is all about with his deeds and words. For us, we can draw comfort, in our times of wilderness wanderings—whether it is the actual recent snowy enclosure, or metaphorically the time where our loved ones are no longer with us, or the loss of a supportive community—that we are not alone. God is with us. Christ is with us. Spirit is with us. And for that, we are thankful. Join us this Sunday as we discuss the wilderness wanderings of Jesus and our lives.


** Our Lenten service will be to provide parts of a breakfast program with Human Solution’s Gresham Emergency Women’s Shelter. More about this is to come.


** It still isn’t too late to send in a pledge form for 2021. As all of you know, we have been supported in large part by the generous gifts of the PCUSA 1001 New Worshiping Communities and the Presbytery of the Cascades New Ministries Team funds since we began in 2017. We are one of the rare new communities of faith ventures that have been granted funds from the Seed Grants, Investment Grants, and Growth Grants! At the end of 2021, we will be dependent upon the financial gifts, time, service, and talents of the membership of the Community of Pilgrims Presbyterian Fellowship, with possible help from other non-profits. Thank you for considering your gift in support of the Community of Pilgrims in 2021!





Feb. 21, First Sunday of Lent, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.

Feb. 28, Second Sunday of Lent, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.

March 7, Third Sunday of Lent, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.

March 14, Fourth Sunday of Lent, Gather and Devotion on Zoom.


Prayers of Celebration and Concern

· Linda's brother who has had both vaccinations.

· Thanksgiving that Brett has settled with his brother on matters pertaining to their late Mother's estate.

· Both Brett and The United Methodist Conference as his position with the Conference will be ending and he will be making a transition.

· Celebrations that the film "We Are Called To Love One Another" was awarded second place among educational films in an international competition and that it will be seen by more people than could have been predicted.  

· Marge Stockwell to get her first vaccine on Tuesday. .

· Thanksgiving for Alan Watts' presentation "The Spectrum of Love" and that we are never too old to keep learning.

· Gratitude for the past two days of conversations that Linda has been able to share with friends from her Rose Festival Court days. They shared a very special time in their lives and they are still in touch.

· The gift of gratitude.  

· Ken Henry who will donate his bone marrow to his brother Dan who is very ill.

· Empathy, that we are able to understand and accept others.

· The message that in order to receive light we must be able to look into the darkness.



Stones into Bread, Malcolm Guite

The Fountain thirsts, the Bread is hungry here.

The Light is dark, the Word without a voice.

When darkness speaks it seems so light and clear.

Now He must dare, with us, to make a choice.

In a distended belly’s cruel curve

He feels the famine of the ones who lose

He starves for those whom we have forced to starve.

He chooses now for those who cannot choose.

He is the staff and sustenance of life.

He lives for all from one Sustaining Word.

His love still breaks and pierces like a knife.

The stony ground of hearts that never shared,

God gives through Him what Satan never could;

The broken bread that is our only food.



Buen Camino!

Pastors Brett & Karen Cornwell Fortlander.